W3C képtár -> W3C and Semantic Web - Bécs (2005. 06. 20.)    Start slideshow Print

W3C and Semantic Web - Bécs (2005. 06. 20.)

  Homapage of the Meeting

So we find our way back :-)
So we find our way back :-)
A lot of people came
A lot of people came
Peter Vojtas
Peter Vojtas
Hotel at 0,0: sleep at the beach?
Hotel at 0,0: sleep at the beach?
Ivan and Klaus
Ivan and Klaus
Laci and the hidden door
Laci and the hidden door
End of the lunch break
End of the lunch break
Georg Gottlob
Georg Gottlob
A nice program
A nice program
Péter Vojnisek
Péter Vojnisek
The Business Side of Semantic Web
The Business Side of Semantic Web
Difficulties (to take a nice picture from the audience withot flash :-)
to take a nice picture from the audience withot flash :-
Our last speaker today...
Our last speaker today...
...is Tom Baker
...is Tom Baker
All the speakers
All the speakers
Vienna on our way home
Vienna on our way home
What's that flag on the tram?
What's that flag on the tram?